Welcome to the Tuttle Shuttle - my custom designed tiny house on wheels built by Minimaliste Tiny Houses in Quebec, Canada. My build began in October 2018 and was completed in January 2019, but this process started as just a “what if” long before that. I spent countless hours researching designs, watching YouTube videos, making floor plans, reading threads through private Facebook groups and tiny house websites layered with differing opinions and varying experiences on literally everything. Slowly but surely, though, I was making a plan to turn that “what if” into a real living thing.
I know how daunting this process can be, and it is very easy to give up on the tiny house dream soon after starting your research. But if you want it and you actively work towards it, you really will learn and do so many new things you never thought you could. My goal with this site is to bring some of this knowledge that I’ve gathered over the past few years to one central location. The information is out there but it is scattered. I’ve pulled together some of the most frequently asked about topics, some of the more confusing details that aren't as readily available, as well as some tips and tricks that I stumbled upon along the way. Feel free to fill me in on your own experience if you’ve already gone through your own process - I’d love to add to this site with a community based expertise. The tiny house movement is very much an evolving thing and there’s a lot to learn and discover. But we’re all in this together.
Outside of this tiny house adventure, I work as a commercial and editorial photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area. My work allows me to travel often and is a direct reflection of the people, stories, and places that inspire me. When I’m not doing all things photo-related, I’m probably climbing, playing drums or guitar, or working on my tiny house! If you would like to help support me and this website further, please consider leaving a tip on my Venmo :)
FUN NEWS: Dwell article featuring the Tuttle Shuttle, “Here’s What They Don’t Tell You About Living in a Tiny House” was named by Dwell as the #1 most shared story of 2020!
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Feel free to reach out with questions or comments!
I am happy to talk more about my experience working with Minimaliste, scheduling house visits, design consults, product questions, etc.